To the Haitian Diasporas,
As I am here, trying to recuperate before I face ahead a grueling schedule to help lift the almost 10 millions in our homeland out of our national mess, I say to myself I cannot not add something special for you in the diasporas. I say to you, let us work towards one common wish that I know you make every year to see something different in Haiti but only to have your hopes dashed. I say to you this moment is different because what is brewing, what is being cooked to be served is different. Yes, ours is a movement that is pushing a plan so you can see another Haiti in your lifetime. We need you and your inputs and your involvement and your standing up for it.
1-This plan for a new Haiti, for a Haiti.2 shares your wishes in its platform that we may no longer have 4 Haitis which do not speak to each other. With your support, I can lead the way to achieve that. It is not normal that there exists 4 Haitis: 1) a Haiti of the low-skilled working class; 2) a Haiti of the middle intellectual class, 3) a Haiti of the business/commerce upper-class, 4) a Haiti of the Haitian Diasporas. The HAITI.2 Movement platform calls for crafting a brand new plan of shared destiny and shared profits in which all 4 segments of our society become truly one seamless, functional, modern Haiti.2 in which there is a mass-advancement of the people at all levels. We need you to support that because what is at stake is your share, you of the diasporas, of the future bounty and plenty that your motherland is about to generate. Don’t stay outside the loop after you have sent so much to finance daily living in Haiti. Stand up for your share. Join us. Join me. Swell the ranks. Make it inevitable.
2-The platform calls for your kids and non-Haitian spouse to become automatically Haitians once the HAITI.2 movement accedes to power. All will be entitled automatically to a Haitian Passport with Haitian citizenship as the Pre-eminent Citizenship. And all with such a passport will be able to secure any position, public or private in Haiti, except for one or two positions. This is truly revolutionary as we want people to become Haitians, not turning away anyone who was already born Haitian because of our political antics that makes belief we have enough people to do the building and heavy lifting. We need the greatest number of people to rush down to the country and help build and stake a financial claim in what they help build. Rise in support of that.
3- Haiti might be your best bet in the next coming 5 to 10 years as this Haiti.2 movement plans to open gigantic “chantiers” or work sites in 21 domains or sectors of intervention. You may have to consider pushing us seriously if the economy where you are is bad.
We are putting an ambitious and audacious plan on the table to take Haiti to the next level. We need your skills to help sell and execute this new audacious Haiti to the world. We need you as the face of the Haiti of the future. Come and stand with us or lead the way from where you are. Take grass-roots initiatives aimed at giving us the greatest exposure. The future of our country depends on you playing your part so we do not miss out and blow this last chance and final run to a triumphing Haiti instead of the usual suffering Haiti that we are all tired with.
I wish you, wherever you are, the best of a year 2009. May it be our year as Haitian People.
From me to you, Patriotically
JUSTIMA, Emmanuel
To the Haitian Diasporas,
As I am here, trying to recuperate before I face ahead a grueling schedule to help lift the almost 10 millions in our homeland out of the social misery, the economic negative growth and the wholesale institutional dysfunctionality of our country, I say to myself I cannot not add something special for you in the diasporas. Whether you are in the USA (Miami, New-York, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, DC area, Atlanta area, or anywhere else in the USA) in Canada, in the Caribbean, in Europe, and anywhere else you find yourself outside of Haiti, this special word is for you at the dawn of this new year. I know each year you hope for something different in our country only to have your hopes dashed. I say to you this moment is different because what is brewing, what is being cooked to be served is different. Yes, you will see another Haiti in your lifetime. Yes we will. Yes, the Plan is being crafted and worked on. Yes, the new map of the new Haiti is being re-drawn as we speak. Yes, the contacts are in full motion. And Yes, your most important wishes are my wishes also:
1-May there be no longer 4 Haitis under my watch which do not speak to each other, if you push me all the way to the pinnacle of this new power and of this new politics of new possibilities to realize this promise.
May there be no longer: 1) a Haiti of the low-skilled working class; 2) a Haiti of the middle intellectual class, 3) a Haiti of the business/commerce upper-class, 4) a Haiti of the Haitian Diasporas. May we become truly one seamless, functional, modern Haiti.2 under my formula, with a truly upwardly mobile common new destiny with a common ambition.
2-May your kids and non-Haitian spouse, if any, truly get to enjoy where you came from and call Haiti Chérie also their home. May under my watch and under our Haiti.2 any of your children born anywhere become Ex-Officio Haitian; may anyone of any other nationality you marry become Ex-Officio Haitian, with all the rights and privileges of Haitian citizenship because there are no second-class citizen. We need all the Haitians that we can get and I have no Haitian to waste. Some are asking which is more important, Haitians in Haiti or Haitians outside Haiti. I say it is like asking which blade in a pair of scissors is more necessary. Therefore, may my accession to power, if you will allow it happen and help it happen, signifies once for all that no one from now on may take your "Haïtianity" away from you regardless of whatever moves you make in your life. For the new doctrine enshrined in the new "national entente" will be: once Haitian, always Haitian.
3-May we be able to spur a movement of shakers and builders that carries the day all the way to harness and exploit all such boundless opportunities at home that one can envision in such a virgin country like ours. As the economic situation abroad is going sour, re-thinking about Haiti as an option is not crazy at all. Your best and frankest opportunity to score big in the next coming 5 to 10 years may be at home where no real sustainable transformational change can happen without your level of skills.
There is a people-powered movement being put in place, which I approve, to push the cause that I embrace, to push me who have already started deepening the roots of a new politics of new possibilities in Haiti, to help broaden a top confidential new plan being crafted to intervene in 21 areas or domains to transform Haiti into a top platform country, to help sell this new audacious Haiti to the world and to help sell my fresh leadership as one who is already seen as the face of the new re-imagined landscape. You can join that caravan in march. You can help make that audacious great ambition of Building a Haiti.2 a reality. You can help us take over the free falling power in Haiti and help bring to bear new blood, fresh pair of eyes, fresh ideas, new technologies and methods, new capital to commit to make happen this new Haiti in our lifetime. Join that people-powered movement. Take the lead in your area if you have to. Just let me know so we advance together in coordinated actions. That new Haiti will come to pass, I guarantee you. We will see it. We will construct it for you and for me, and for community and country.
I wish you, wherever you are, the best of a year 2009. May it be our year as Haitian People wherever we are, for we deserve a big break. And specially if you are in the Dominican Republic studying under duress or working under tough conditions, I say to you, help is on the way. Hold tight. Reach out to me. We shall prevail with a new morning, a new sun shining day. God bless.