Blog about The HAITI.2 MOVEMENT & JUSTIMA's 21st century-style New Politics for HAITI

For Renewing the Haitian Political Personnel so Advancers now lead Decliners.

Welcome to the Blog where you can hear from me directly. Make yourself at home.

Bienvenue sur le Blog où je peux tout vous exposer directement. Faîtes comme chez vous.

Byenvini sou Blog la. Ou Lakay ou. Mete-w Alèz.

Bienvenido. Mi casa es su casa.

About Me

My photo
La Vallée-Jacmel, Plateau Central et Port-au-Prince (Cité Soleil), Haiti
Qui est Justima?: Un homme qui voit le côté positif des choses et qui part en guerre contre l'idée fataliste qu'Haïti qui est sans cesse dans une descente et chute libre mystiques depuis 200 ans ne se resaisira pas dans les 5 prochaines années pour commencer à réussir une ascencion matérielle et mentale qui va étonner le monde. Un homme de croyances profondes et de principes qui part en guerre contre notre instabilité politico-sociale chronique, désordre institutionnel systémique généralisé, dysfonctionnement économique total et qui dit qu'Haïti a besoin d'un pouvoir volontariste fort pour combler le retard et le mal-developpement de plus de 200 ans. Un homme de famille qui croit que si le plus petit noyau d'Haïtiens qui est la famille connaisse un renouveau et re-apprenne à tisser entre ses membres des liens de confiance et de constance solides et durables ceci refairait fractalement la société haïtienne et le tissu social haïtien et augmenterait exponentiellement le capital social sur lequel on doit lever une nouvelle nation. Un homme qui adore chanter, danser, faire à manger, voyager et qui adore aimer. Justima est le second plus jeune ancien Candidat à la Présidence d'Haiti.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Ambition for my country Haiti: A gigantic nation-building

I want to take my country to a final run at glory, so Haitian-born stars can pe proud of it, so Haitian-born high achievers around the world can be proud of it, so black people stop wishing it wasn't there stigmatizing the whole race as a pariah nation, so my fellow average Haitians can finally have more than enough at home, after 200 years of misery, and can start acting truly as the co-masters of the common domain and of the common motherland that they are and start enjoying the country, enjoying a quality of life in elevation, enjoying the miracle of the modern times, Haiti finding again its past splendor.
Bring it on that challenge of nation-building and let me show you there is no task to heavy for the true patriot, for the truly Haitian-at-heart.
I am ready to lead.

It is high time that we try something else, something authentically new, after we have tried at length wholesale despair, misery, negative growth and dysfunctionality. It is high time we give the builders, the shakers, the movers, a chance.
We have tried destruction enough. Let's try construction.
I am ready to lead, if even one Haitian is ready to follow. The others will jump on the bandwagon along the way.
I am ready to lead like a soldier who has heard a clarion call.
It is high time for my country to become that gigantic worksite, that gigantic "chantier", that other Haiti promised to us by all the political upheavals since 1806, that "Haiti.2".
I am ready to show my generation how to answer the call of history that beckons us, for all our personal academic and financial achievements, to dare tackle collectively the greatest challenge of all, nation-building, which surely would turn us into the greatest generation of Haitians since the first generation of 1803 that made 1804.

JUSTIMA, Emmanuel

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Justima in Official Visits/ Justima en Visites Officielles

Justima in Official Visits/ Justima en Visites Officielles
With Representatives of the European Union/Avec des Représentants de l'Union Européenne

Justima in Pictures/Justima en Photos

Justima in Pictures/Justima en Photos

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