My People of Haiti,
1-My wishes for you, for this New Year, are wishes of peace of mind; because you deserve a brake from all these chatters and political rumors that are brewing already about 2009 being a hot and disastrous political year again. You deserve that brake so you can go about your business of surviving until better times in the country that are like soon, if what we are working on succeeds.
- My wishes also are for you to know that this politic of keeping the country constantly on edge in a highly charged atmosphere is not my politics. It is neither the politic of the moment. In fact, if anyone returns anytime this year with such a heated politics and politics of hot air in these new times, this will certainly cause us all strong additional embarrassment in offering us to the world in spectacle one more time. This could also potentially further embarrass the new American administration which might decide to just wash off its hands from our plights, leaving us to our own device, rather than getting entangled with us who are further giving black people all over a bad name with our antics. Leaving us to our own device would be catastrophic for us who are seeking a rise and rehabilitation of Haiti in this century for the advancement of all in our country. This mass advancement is the cause that I embrace for you, one of the main things I live for.
I and others are rising to cause Haiti to make an about face with life-altering consequences for all 3 classes and for the diasporas. There is much at stake here for the next 3 years and one cannot roll the dice with such a unique moment and rare opportunity in going back to the traditional playmaking for more of the same.
Therefore, my wishes for you, my People of Haiti, are the beginning of some consolation, in the meantime, in 2009. May catastrophes and disasters give you a break this year so you stop mourning one death after another. May life be significantly less harder for you as you toil under the sun, although we still don’t see how, and may definitely you do not know again this year that level of hunger which like “Clorox” was bleaching your intestines, this past year.
2-May you feel there is a new fresh air in the horizon; the dawn of a new day, of a new season in Haiti. May you be comforted ahead of time by the conviction and certainty that this new season that is still in the air, things will fall into place for you; this season will deliver for you where the two previous political seasons of wind or “espoir” (hope) and of “avalanche” or (mudslide flood) could not as the grass-roots political milestones of the last 20 years that have been contravened. May this new era-season, the sun never sets in the country, may it be a sunshine-time when the country is seriously put back to work around the clock 24/7 so we can play catch up, so you can start gaining some serious ground in term of personal advancement, so you can start having full enjoyment of new things that would begin to be truly new and different in a different Haiti. It can happen, it is possible now, it is just good timing and simple arithmetics on how to play catch up, not messianic, just politics of new possibilities. You will see it. We will do it. Together.
People of Haiti, I love you of the highest love possible for countrymen, of a love with capital L. And my love comes to add not to subtract. My love does not come to cost you. It does not come to take from what it had not helped you create. I rendezvous with you further in this 2009 so you can begin to see clearly how much you can accomplish with taking a new turn with new leadership that is visionary and transformational, not traditional. I will deliver a major keynote adress to you further during this year, which will point the country in a new direction so it becomes a country that operates at a higher level, a Haiti.2. I will put a novel plan on the table and make our friends that are helping us with aids a trade offer instead they cannot refuse. And I will start with concrete activities toward the advent of this new day. I don’t want to just tell you Happy New Year like everyone else without really doing anything to make it a happy year for you. So, be still and expect me. I come to serve and to deliver with all who have been frustrated their country was not tapping on what they've got to help launch Haiti to a quantum leap. I will rise to the occasion to reach all the way back and give back to you who have given to me. Because, all I am is thanks to you, People of Haiti. You had given the fertile land for me to sprout, to germinate in Haiti, to even bloom and yield fruits a thousand folds outside of Haiti. Wait for me. Help is on the way so you stop fending for yourselves. A new system is on the way, that is the good news for the year. And already in your hands and in the hands of the Most-High, I place it for safekeeping.
Speaking to you from the heart,
And Patriotically Yours until the assured Victory, I am your servant
JUSTIMA, Emmanuel
God of Victory, Give us Victory
Notre Dame of Victory, Pray for us for Victory
Justima in Mission Trip Abroad, explaining to world leaders the new direction he wants to take Haiti

My People of Haiti,
1-My wishes for you, for this New Year, are wishes of peace; peace that I want in your heart, peace that I want in your mind. I wish you a breather from all these chatters of political belligerence announced for this 2009 that threaten to trouble you even more. I wish you a breather, from all these bad luck and omen and bad news that threaten to add to the eerie cacophony of the day. These are chatters that weigh down on your daily struggle for survival that you are already forced to face on your own. Unfortunately, it seems, that you will not get that break early on because the political drummers are already very early at your door to play the same traditional cymbal and drumbeat at a decibel level that threatens to rupture your eardrums, just to keep it a highly charged and heated atmosphere in the country. They are about to give the best they’ve got. But the seasons for keeping the country hot, the seasons of hot air are coming to an end; believe me. It is their last hurrah, their last opus or musical selection.
To each one his politics, I respect that. But a politic of keeping the country constantly on edge and constantly in a state of tension in keeping it a highly charged atmosphere is not my politics. It is neither the politic of the moment, all can agree with that. And I can only warn sternly those who still practice such a heated politics and politics of hot air, in these new times, that I hope they know they are embarrassing us all in offering us to the world in spectacle one more time. I hope they know that they might be embarrassing particularly the new American administration and with it what is seen as the first phase of a black rehabilitation at the dawn of this century to the pinnacle of world power. These double embarrassments that they may cause can only be anything but bad for any possible rapid rise of Haiti out of the big sinking hole. This possible rising of Haiti would be seen as the ensuing stunning second phase of a black rehabilitation in this century, after what happen in the USA. And it is what I pursue with all I’ve got, my cause, my fight, one of the 3 principal reasons I live for.
I hope that they know they are simply disqualifying themselves, de-selecting themselves from all the good things and great spoils and abundance that are about to follow as Haiti is scheduled next to turn the corner to cease to be, under a new impulse and my leadership, a suffering Haiti and start being a triumphing Haiti. There is much at stake here for the next 3 years and one cannot roll the dice with such a unique moment and rare opportunity in going back to the same playbook of traditional politics.
Still, I am afraid, they will press on, laying it all on the line, gambling to shock and awe us. This has the prospect to be a loud noise. But the noises of this last selection will not last, like all the other past noises we have been subjected to before. You know better. Do not be concerned. Stop worrying. This too will past and will not last. Stay firm. Plug your ears. Do not let anything confuse your mind; do not let them play in your head one more time. Be resolved; do not be double-minded if you want to see Haiti make a 180̊ turn to change direction while you are alive. Kindly follow my consigns, my acting orders. Heed me, pay close attention to my instructions. Do not succumb to distress, to resignation. For this is where all is at stake for the battle for your mind and for your heart. Stay put, do not waver, and do not vary. Do not stray, do not forfeit and not even bother to show up; it is those who show up who make history. Get pass this cacophony to look forward instead for a harmonic message that I will have for you in 2009 that will be a comforter to you. I will point Haiti in a new direction and I will do so with a new line up, with new blood. I will sing a new song for my country, a new sing-along tune and rhythmic melody at another level. Help is on the way to help you carry the daily charges and chores that burdens your life and that you carry alone, without a functioning country that helps and that facilitates, without a country re-organized and governed to spur first your personal advancement. I am on my way with that kind of help. Another Haiti at another level is on its way. Haïti.2 is on its way, a Haiti for today’s needs as well as a Haiti for tomorrow’s demands and for the future; a Haïti.2 to alter your situation of the day and to remake entirely your tomorrow.
2-My wishes for you is the beginning of some solace, of some measure of happiness starting in this 2009. They are the wishes that we break this year from the constant engulfing and choking caustic surrounding and morose quality of life. That we break also from the high level of morbidity that came from storms after storms, from catastrophes after catastrophes, and break as well from the ensuing stench of death we had everywhere this past year. This unhealthy environment can plunge any soul in the dark and, I know, it gives you just disgust for life. I make the wish also that you break this year with the level of misery and hunger you call “Clorox-like” that is bleaching your intestines. In sum, my wishes for you are wishes for a turning point; they are pivotal wishes for the New Year:
May the shutters of your front door flaps open upon a new day that is dawning in Haiti. May your front door, in opening up, flutters on the cusp of, on the very beginning edge of an era that is one which is post the simple season of wind of “espoir” (hope) and one post the simple season of “avalanche” (mudslide flood) which are the grass-roots political milestones of the last 20 years that have been contravened. May it open instead on a new era-season when the sun never sets in the country, a sunshine-time when the country is seriously put back to work around the clock 24/7 so we can play catch up, so we can bring you up to par with citizens who have been independent for as long as we have, so you can start having full enjoyment of new things that would begin to be truly new and different in a different Haiti.
May that breath of fresh air of this new morning that you see rising get the red out of your eyes and gratify them with the sight of something different that you see unfolding in the horizon for the country. May what you see be the vision of a different future for Haiti that lights the path for us all. May we all know where we are going now because we will be guided from now on by a newly fresh vision and by a President of tomorrow who takes our shaking hands. And may this President be for us all the President of a Haiti of the 21st century. For we deserve this, to finally be able to live as all human beings should be living in this 21st century. We deserve this new kind of President, so at last we may say Good-Morning life.
People of Haiti, I love you of the highest love possible for countrymen, of a love with capital L. And if I love you that much, I should come to add not to subtract from the little you have left. My love should not cost you. My love does not come to seek; it does not come to take from what it had not helped you create. My love comes to give, to re-dynamize, to synergize and enable you to do what you could not do alone. And the more one loves, the more one gives. Therefore, wait to see what I bring you and the kind of results that you are about to yield with me.
I rendezvous with you further in this 2009 so you can begin to see clearly with me. I don’t want to just tell you Happy New Year like everyone else without really doing anything to make it a happy year for you. So, be still and expect me. I know you are losing patience over this void and vacuum of leadership of the people that you perceive in our country and that you want it filled with a leadership that produces results. I know what you want, what your heart longs for and is still waiting for, despite it all, for a change in your situation and an alteration of your life conditions. I will deliver for you. I will rise to the occasion to reach all the way back and give back to you who have given to me. Because, all I am is thanks to you, People of Haiti. You had given the fertile land for me to sprout, to germinate in Haiti, to even bloom and yield fruits a thousand folds outside of Haiti. Wait for me. I am coming to serve. And already in your hands and in the hands of the Most-High, I commit for safekeeping what I am about to begin.
Speaking to you from the heart,
And Patriotically Yours until the assured Victory, I am your servant
JUSTIMA, Emmanuel
God of Victory, Give us Victory
Notre Dame of Victory, Pray for us for Victory
To the Haitian Diasporas,
As I am here, trying to recuperate before I face ahead a grueling schedule to help lift the almost 10 millions in our homeland out of the social misery, the economic negative growth and the wholesale institutional dysfunctionality of our country, I say to myself I cannot not add something special for you in the diasporas. Whether you are in the USA (Miami, New-York, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, DC area, Atlanta area, or anywhere else in the USA) in Canada, in the Caribbean, in Europe, and anywhere else you find yourself outside of Haiti, this special word is for you at the dawn of this new year. I know each year you hope for something different in our country only to have your hopes dashed. I say to you this moment is different because what is brewing, what is being cooked to be served is different. Yes, you will see another Haiti in your lifetime. Yes we will. Yes, the Plan is being crafted and worked on. Yes, the new map of the new Haiti is being re-drawn as we speak. Yes, the contacts are in full motion. And Yes, your most important wishes are my wishes also:
1-May there be no longer 4 Haitis under my watch which do not speak to each other, if you push me all the way to the pinnacle of this new power and of this new politics of new possibilities to realize this promise.
May there be no longer: 1) a Haiti of the low-skilled working class; 2) a Haiti of the middle intellectual class, 3) a Haiti of the business/commerce upper-class, 4) a Haiti of the Haitian Diasporas. May we become truly one seamless, functional, modern Haiti.2 under my formula, with a truly upwardly mobile common new destiny with a common ambition.
2-May your kids and non-Haitian spouse, if any, truly get to enjoy where you came from and call Haiti Chérie also their home. May under my watch and under our Haiti.2 any of your children born anywhere become Ex-Officio Haitian; may anyone of any other nationality you marry become Ex-Officio Haitian, with all the rights and privileges of Haitian citizenship because there are no second-class citizen. We need all the Haitians that we can get and I have no Haitian to waste. Some are asking which is more important, Haitians in Haiti or Haitians outside Haiti. I say it is like asking which blade in a pair of scissors is more necessary. Therefore, may my accession to power, if you will allow it happen and help it happen, signifies once for all that no one from now on may take your "Haïtianity" away from you regardless of whatever moves you make in your life. For the new doctrine enshrined in the new "national entente" will be: once Haitian, always Haitian.
3-May we be able to spur a movement of shakers and builders that carries the day all the way to harness and exploit all such boundless opportunities at home that one can envision in such a virgin country like ours. As the economic situation abroad is going sour, re-thinking about Haiti as an option is not crazy at all. Your best and frankest opportunity to score big in the next coming 5 to 10 years may be at home where no real sustainable transformational change can happen without your level of skills.
There is a people-powered movement being put in place, which I approve, to push the cause that I embrace, to push me who have already started deepening the roots of a new politics of new possibilities in Haiti, to help broaden a top confidential new plan being crafted to intervene in 21 areas or domains to transform Haiti into a top platform country, to help sell this new audacious Haiti to the world and to help sell my fresh leadership as one who is already seen as the face of the new re-imagined landscape. You can join that caravan in march. You can help make that audacious great ambition of Building a Haiti.2 a reality. You can help us take over the free falling power in Haiti and help bring to bear new blood, fresh pair of eyes, fresh ideas, new technologies and methods, new capital to commit to make happen this new Haiti in our lifetime. Join that people-powered movement. Take the lead in your area if you have to. Just let me know so we advance together in coordinated actions. That new Haiti will come to pass, I guarantee you. We will see it. We will construct it for you and for me, and for community and country.
I wish you, wherever you are, the best of a year 2009. May it be our year as Haitian People wherever we are, for we deserve a big break. And specially if you are in the Dominican Republic studying under duress or working under tough conditions, I say to you, help is on the way. Hold tight. Reach out to me. We shall prevail with a new morning, a new day of sunshine. God bless.
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