Justima's Comments on the Article "The Return of Aristide" by the well-known american activist lawyer Brian Concannon
Dear Brian,
I congratulate you on a fine piece of article about " The Return" of Aristide to Haiti. Your article puts in display your profound sense of justice as well as great sense and sensibility for my people, the people of Haiti. And you will find that my comments are all about: Justice. For without it, you won't have the social capital greatly needed to build Haiti as a productive prosperous nation that governs itself and a contributor to the division of the world labor.
Haitians have a profoundly innate sense of justice and of and injustice constantly encircling them and this is why they think they should always be on their guard a) with their own kind and b)with foreigners as well who may turn out to be "coquins", deceptive wise guys that seek to exploit their innocence, naivety and goodwill in order to trick them, play them and have it both ways.
That is what enrages typical Haitians and makes them behave often as "engendrés", as people not controlling their primal impulses, in order to show they will not just lie down and be the door mat for their 'exploiter' to walk upon unchallenged and unchecked. Give Haitians peace and above it give them justice, social justice, economic and political justice and I give you a country which makes an astonishing quantum leap toward political stability, institutional stability, social stability along with the requisite stability of contracts it takes to ensure the economic stability that has been so elusive to Haiti, not surprisingly since 1806 when this issue of justice was first posed and which brought down the Founder of the Haitian nation, Dessalines, assassinated.
To many, the Aristide issue falls in the same category of perceived great injustice done to a man, symbolizing one who came from the bowels of the people and who dared raise his head and take himself to the pinnacle of power. Yes, Aristide the Great, as in the consciousness of the masses as a priest activist, was a disappointment and a disaster and an erratic and ineffective ruler as President.
In the eyes of many, had they let him complete his 5 years term, not with a blank check and unchallenged because he was so democratically elected by the people, but in pressuring him to do what he was elected for, the country would have been better off than it is today. Still, as he shown signs of a madman in power, as perceived by many, judge him says the sense of justice of the majority of the Haitian people. Make an example of him but no "coup d'état" and worst, no exile. No Haitian should be barred from his country as a co-heir and co-owner of the motherland by virtue of the deeds and sacrifices consented by the forefathers and foremothers of each of us, who were either former slaves or former free colored men being abused by the colonial powers. We were all made into co-heirs and co-owners of the common heritage, of 27,700 sq meter of land, and no one and nothing can cheat us out of our part of ownership. And that is what the constitution in spirit must have implied in so explicitly prohibiting exile. But yet again, when was the last time something was done constitutionally in Haiti, except to barr or to punish?
And when you say that, surprisingly, a lot of the world "experts on Haiti" (we don't know what makes a lot of them so"), and in a twist that borders neo-racism of not expecting much and having nothing but lower expectations of the Haitian nation like we are incapable of the good, the right, the great, etc., would tell you in a self-righteous and patronizing way that for our fragile democracy: that's good enough. I say, either what is democracy is standards that are good and right for all mankind or democracy is not as good and right.
Many Haitians and many worldwide contend that Aristide's return would be a very polarizing and divisive event that could damage the effort of moving Haiti forward. True and false. And if true, it must be put in the list of "growing pains" so we face our fears as a nation and reach maturity as a people. For no longer having Aristide as "the Issue", will clear the smokes and the country will be able to go about its existential questions and businesses of (re)-construction, turning the country over in a 25 to 30 year span into a Haiti.2, a new version of Haiti that is as a maritime hub, the far industrial and commercial outpost of Africa in the Americas and as a financial hub and overseas placement of investments into Africa, the Hong-Kong and Singapore combined of Central America and of the Caribbean.
The Haitian law can handle Aristide when he returns. In fact, that should be its test of maturity. These are the trials that make champions. The new political class that is emerging can handle Aristide in getting him strict political, financial and security conditions for Aristide to live in his home town of Port-Salut and prosper like any other Haitians in his own country. But he will be home. He will no longer be treated as a Haitian waste, as an inconvenient garbage to throw far away in someone's else backyard or landfill. He is a former President and like all former Presidents, after we trial them so we could pardon them and reinsert them into our society, we owe them as we owe Aristide the respect due to a chief of our country.
To sum up, for a majority of the masses, for a majority of the Haitian people who are in Haiti and abroad, Aristide is a complex man. You can't slice him to take his goods and leave his bads. Hate him or love him, you must take him with his goods and his bads as you can't slice him in two. He is Aristide The Great, the priest-activist and social consciousness of his people. He is Aristide, the Disaster in Haitian history as President. A balanced view, like all of us.
But, and this is the first point, toppling him from power by removing him forcibly looking at the barrels of guns of foreign armies encircling the Haitian national palace (you could not do that anywhere else in peacetime and this is a dangerous precedent for any president anywhere), is an undisgestible thought for any patriot anywhere. Because these foreign armies who came to help could have been there also (if we admit the principle of the duty to intervene)as a fair referee to ensure that he is instead judged by a sort of the constitutional high court of justice and if found guilty that he be stripped of his powers legally and constitutionally. What an example that would have been for Haitian future leaders and for presidents everywhere! That would have been consistent with elementary respect for the law that we seek so desperately to teach the masses.
Secondly, barring him from returning to his country amounts to passing an arbitrary extra judicial judgment on him that must be passed by a court of law; he can be shamed by the court of public opinion nationally and internationally that can treat him as a pariah, or ultimately shamed by the judgment of history.
If I was President, the issue would not be shall he return? It is elementary. No Haitian can be barred from the motherland. It is a right nothing, no one can take away. The issue would be when and how, to cause the least disruption possible so Haitians can turn the page for good and move on with the post-Aristide, post-Preval era.
JUSTIMA, Emmanuel
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About Me
- Justima
- La Vallée-Jacmel, Plateau Central et Port-au-Prince (Cité Soleil), Haiti
- Qui est Justima?: Un homme qui voit le côté positif des choses et qui part en guerre contre l'idée fataliste qu'Haïti qui est sans cesse dans une descente et chute libre mystiques depuis 200 ans ne se resaisira pas dans les 5 prochaines années pour commencer à réussir une ascencion matérielle et mentale qui va étonner le monde. Un homme de croyances profondes et de principes qui part en guerre contre notre instabilité politico-sociale chronique, désordre institutionnel systémique généralisé, dysfonctionnement économique total et qui dit qu'Haïti a besoin d'un pouvoir volontariste fort pour combler le retard et le mal-developpement de plus de 200 ans. Un homme de famille qui croit que si le plus petit noyau d'Haïtiens qui est la famille connaisse un renouveau et re-apprenne à tisser entre ses membres des liens de confiance et de constance solides et durables ceci refairait fractalement la société haïtienne et le tissu social haïtien et augmenterait exponentiellement le capital social sur lequel on doit lever une nouvelle nation. Un homme qui adore chanter, danser, faire à manger, voyager et qui adore aimer. Justima est le second plus jeune ancien Candidat à la Présidence d'Haiti.
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- Carnaval, Raras et Vodou: Justima pour un Carnaval haïtien planétaire et pour la construction du plus grand péristyle mondial de Vodou en Haïti pour sortir cette religion de l'archaïque et de la pauvreté
- Justima Add on Wishes to the Diasporas for 2009: What is on the HAITI.2 Platform Wish List For You.- All who is in the diasporas inluding their children of Haitian ancestry and their non-Haitian spouse will be eligible to ask for a Haitian passport the next day of the accession to power of Haiti.2, in the greatest census worldwide of those who stand with the new Haiti. We need you and all other hands on deck that we can find. It is a critical strategic move in grafting or adding producing capacity
- Mesaj Ve JUSTIMA bay Pep Ayisyen an Pou 2009: Kenbe-Gen Yon AYITI.2 Lan WOUT
- Justima Wishes to The Haitian People for 2009: You will see it... It is possible now
- Adresse de Justima au Peuple Haitien pour 2009: Tiens Ferme. Tu es presqu'au bout de tes peines sans aide
- Haitian Bloggers about Mounting Frustrations in Haiti.- The role of a leader is to lead. So leaders of Haiti, you asked for power: LEAD
- Justima on hurricane hanna and disaster in Gonaives: This job must be done as Justima called it, for the sake of Gonaives and very probable continuing calamities.
- Justima on Obama-Haiti-The Caribbean and Africa: I call on Haiti to become a platform country out of a new jumbo port, top notch intercontinental airport and a sophisticated financial system in a new Haiti under new management. That can help lift not just Haiti but the Americas economies and the African continent economies by way of mutual economic stimulation. Our Haiti.2 Plan: The only win-win-win plan on the table for another Haiti, Africa and The Americas.
- Justima and book on child slavery of Simon & Schuster: While I applaud the young journalist author who wrote this book for being interested in my country and for tackling a very important subject: domestic servitude, I am tired of people who say they are there to help from the outside but who will not make the investment to dig really deeper and who just brand anyone in Haiti and who brand my country anyway that suits them. Yes, had the author asks he would have known, I see a Haiti.2 without "Restaveks" but with well-paid domestic workers with benefits
- What does Justima wants? His Ambition for Country: A gigantic nation-building. Anything less will simply not have less effect, it simply will have no effect
- Haiti is starting to fall in the hands of young people: Time for a new cohort of Haitians to try and make its imprint on Haiti and re-direct the Haitian society
- What does Justima wants: Re-structuring Haiti top to bottom. The 7 new Top Leadership Posts For a New Haiti under New Management. The new top 21 focus areas for a Haiti with a Future, a Haiti.2
- Justima's Fondation work on the ground since 2001: Who will fit the shoes of tomorrow's leaders if we do not start with Education for people of every social class everywhere? Operating on the ground in stealth mode to bring results.
- What did Justima started working on since the last Presidential Elections of 2006?
- Letter from The General Committee Supporting Justima and Haiti.2: Let us organize ouselves so we can be the support system Justima and Haiti.2 need to succeed and to win into transforming Haiti as we know it
- Fondation JUSTIMA and its ambitious plan to try to bring direct food prices relief, some time this year, to 250,000 Households in Haiti. Direct tangible help may be on its way to alleviate hunger in the meantime until the hunger for life-altering changes can be satisfied
- Our Open University: What should have been Our National Anthem
- Our Open University: Geo-political Background on why Haiti is where it is today and the historical weight of the USA in all that
- Who is Justima? The story of a reversal of fortune of a son of Cite Soleil. Emblematic of the life-altering transformational change he is ushering: The Story of Justima.-Starting like most Haitians with a great socio-economic disadvantage, Justima's rise from where he was born which literally has become Cité Soleil
- Qui est Justima? Dans ce qui présage cette transformation des conditions de vie dont il veut l'avénement pour le pays: L'histoire de la vie de Justima et d'un retournement spectaculaire de situation socio-économique d'un jeune leader né littéralement à ce qui est devenu la Cité Soleil du jour
- Justima has launched his blog: Embracing Technology as a tell tell sign of real generational change, the first official blog of a Haitian political personality
- About Justima: One of the main founders and leaders of one of the 4 main political regroupings of 2006 in Haiti: The Block Alternative
- Justima's comments on the return of Aristide: If I was President, it would not be if Aristide should return, it would be how for maximum positive good to come out of it and less social and political disruptions so we can move beyond the Aristide factor as the smoke screen and start tackling the real nation-building issues of a post Aristide/post Préval era
- To Professor Yunus Nobel Laureate: I am about a different politics. I know a thing or two about poverty and misery. I am not just for poverty alleviation and reduction that you champion. God bless your heart for that. But I am about systematic poverty elimination. Instead of helping out 10 millions cope with poverty over 30 years, but all still remain poor with no end in sight, my country will be be better off that we help lift about 5 millions completely out of poverty over that same period of time. And this will trickle down. And the poorest country in the hemisphere will be be better for it. How about joining me in pushing that politics of new hope and of new possibilities?
Justima in Official Visits/ Justima en Visites Officielles

With Representatives of the European Union/Avec des Représentants de l'Union Européenne
Justima in Pictures/Justima en Photos

Web links about Justima/Liste des liens sur le Web parlant de Justima
- http://elcaribecdn.com/articulo_caribe.aspx?
- http://haitiforever.com/forum/viewtopic.php?
- http://hhtp://www.onepaper.com/deals/?v=d&i=&s=Caribbean:Paradise+News&p=43537
- http://www.caraibesfm.com/index.php?id=856
- http://www.evd.nl/info/zoeken/ShowBouwsteen.asp?
- http://www.haitiangroove.com/groove_des_candidats.html
- http://www.haitiangroove.com/justima/qui_est_justima.html
- http://www.haitiechange.org/temoignage.htm
- http://www.konesansfanmi.org/actionsetinitiatives/Article/ditesoui.htm
- http://www.metropolehaiti.com/metropole/full_une_fr.phtml?
- http://www.metropolehaiti.com/metropole/full_une_fr.phtml?id=11033
- http://www.wehaitians.com/novembre%202003%20lettres%20notes%20de%
- http://www.windowsonhaiti.com/forum/viewtopic.php?
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