Blog about The HAITI.2 MOVEMENT & JUSTIMA's 21st century-style New Politics for HAITI

For Renewing the Haitian Political Personnel so Advancers now lead Decliners.

Welcome to the Blog where you can hear from me directly. Make yourself at home.

Bienvenue sur le Blog où je peux tout vous exposer directement. Faîtes comme chez vous.

Byenvini sou Blog la. Ou Lakay ou. Mete-w Alèz.

Bienvenido. Mi casa es su casa.

About Me

My photo
La Vallée-Jacmel, Plateau Central et Port-au-Prince (Cité Soleil), Haiti
Qui est Justima?: Un homme qui voit le côté positif des choses et qui part en guerre contre l'idée fataliste qu'Haïti qui est sans cesse dans une descente et chute libre mystiques depuis 200 ans ne se resaisira pas dans les 5 prochaines années pour commencer à réussir une ascencion matérielle et mentale qui va étonner le monde. Un homme de croyances profondes et de principes qui part en guerre contre notre instabilité politico-sociale chronique, désordre institutionnel systémique généralisé, dysfonctionnement économique total et qui dit qu'Haïti a besoin d'un pouvoir volontariste fort pour combler le retard et le mal-developpement de plus de 200 ans. Un homme de famille qui croit que si le plus petit noyau d'Haïtiens qui est la famille connaisse un renouveau et re-apprenne à tisser entre ses membres des liens de confiance et de constance solides et durables ceci refairait fractalement la société haïtienne et le tissu social haïtien et augmenterait exponentiellement le capital social sur lequel on doit lever une nouvelle nation. Un homme qui adore chanter, danser, faire à manger, voyager et qui adore aimer. Justima est le second plus jeune ancien Candidat à la Présidence d'Haiti.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mounting Frustrations in Haiti: From calamity to calamity after the 4 hurricanes 2 schools collapses and disguts from Haitian bloggers

We are publishing this below without much comments in one sense or another. It is not our practice to publish other people's opinions, except if it is an article or some sort of study or information. But in this case, it is warranted. Not because we share necessarily what was expressed as posted in the blog, but because it makes our case. It illustrates what we term the mounting frustration and anger and hunger for another sort of leadership in Haiti, a leadership that is not powerless or helpless in the face of our impending national doom, a leadership of new possibilities:

"Second Haiti School Collapse in 1 Week!

We have just learned that there has been another school collapsed in under one week in Haiti.

This time it is the Grace Divine school in Port-au-Prince Haiti and the Haitian school building came crashing down while school was in session.

This is what happens in a country with NO Laws and no Law Enforcement, No codes and No code enforcement.

People in Haiti build how ever they feel like it, there are no building inspectors and no building inspections.

Most houses and buildings in Haiti are built by a "Kontre Mèt' and Bòs Mason, people with no concept of Physics, and no architectural skills.

How long can we continue to live in such conditions?

This is 2008 people!!!

We need to elect government officials with VISION, leaders who have the "Cohones" to stand up to the Haitian people for their own good...

We DO NOT need the type of WEAK, "Ti Sousou" leaders, who continues to tell the Haitian people to "PRAN KONSYANS" not realizing that they have been hired to LEAD.





We have leaders who are so AFRAID of the very people they are leading that they **** in their pants every time some looser lights up a tire in "CITE SOLEY".


The role of a government is to govern...

To serve,

To protect,

To lead...





ONE school building out of thousands collapse in Haiti our commander in chief, Rene Preval, is talking about "Les Etas Unis et Le Canada" AND he said nothing about what measures he will take to prevent this from ever happening again.

( watch the video: )

In 2008, 204 years after calling ourselves a republic, are you telling me that we don't have enough resources to rescue less than 100 people out of a 3 story building in a country of NINE MILLION?

So what the hell will happen next year when Gonaives is flooded again?

My God! Mr. President, what exactly is your job description?

What in God's name are you getting paid for?

Begging foreign nations on behalf of the Haitian People?

We can do that ourselves!

All we really need is a few hungry kids, some flies, and television camera.

How can we be proud of ourselves as Haitians when our leaders, the ones we should look up to, are out there begging for help on our behalf every time there is a problem.

If we really are a nation of beggars, then we don't really need a president at all, what really need is a lobbyist in Washington D.C.

The President of the Republic of Haiti is asking the media to "TELL" the people to move.

He is waiting for help from the United States and Canada.

He is leaving it up to their good conscience to do the right thing.


I am so proud to be Haitian right now!

Who needs the police when a Haitian hoodlum can "CHOOSE" not shoot me!

I used to love my country because, in Haiti, I can do whatever I want, "Liberté", we call it.

You know something? I don't think it's a good idea and I apologize for being so selfish because I now realize that, in Haiti, I am not the only one with the "Liberté" to do whatever I want, criminals also have the "Liberté" to shoot me and get away with it, businessmen also have the "Liberté" to build dangerous schools to collapse on my kids and get away with it, and government officials also have the "Liberté" to sit around, speak French, and watch all of us die with our "Liberté".

I cannot see how progress can come out of that.

Democracy is not "Liberté" and "Liberté" is not Democracy.

What we have in Haiti, it is not Democracy.

Why am so upset?

My two boys have been going to school in Haiti for the past TWO years, I feel the pain of these parents, because it could have been my boys in one of those buildings.

My name is Woodring Saint Preux and I said it."

Posted by Woodring Saint Preux on 11/12/08 5:56 PM

Justima in Official Visits/ Justima en Visites Officielles

Justima in Official Visits/ Justima en Visites Officielles
With Representatives of the European Union/Avec des Représentants de l'Union Européenne

Justima in Pictures/Justima en Photos

Justima in Pictures/Justima en Photos

Quote of the day